Personal insurance

Tailored personal insurance that works for you

Navigate the complexities of insurance planning with our team of experts. We’ll help you find the right coverage – and integrate it seamlessly into your holistic financial plan.

A personalised and comprehensive approach

Our personal risk insurance solutions will safeguard your financial wellbeing and protect you and your loved ones from life’s uncertainties.

A client-centred focus

Our client-centred focus means you can trust us to provide unbiased advice – knowing we’re fully dedicated to your financial success and wellbeing.

Ethical & transparent services

We’re committed to providing ethical and transparent services. You can trust that our recommendations are always based on integrity and a deep concern for your financial wellbeing.

A collaborative approach

We want you to understand your insurance strategies – and make informed decisions about them. So we always welcome questions and open communication.

Long-term relationships and support

Our services are not transactional – they’re the foundation of a long-term partnership. We’ll deliver ongoing reviews, adjustments and support to ensure your insurance strategies evolve with your changing lifestyle.

Financial planning integration

Our unique approach ensures your personal insurance strategy seamlessly integrates into your broader financial plans, including your estate planning and retirement objectives.

Evolving cybersecurity measures

As technology advances, so do concerns about cybersecurity. We ensure the highest level of data privacy by applying advanced measures to protect sensitive client information.

The onefocus personal insurance offerings

We offer comprehensive solutions designed to address the diverse and critical needs of personal risk insurance, giving you peace of mind and financial security.

Personalised insurance needs assessment

Through an initial assessment of your unique circumstances, financial goals and risk tolerance, we’ll create a personalised insurance strategy to meet your needs – and give you peace of mind.

Comprehensive coverage recommendations

Our experienced advisors will guide you through the myriad of cover options available – providing clear, transparent recommendations for life insurance, disability insurance, critical illness coverage and more.

Customised coverage amounts & policy selection

We work closely with you to customise policies and coverage amounts for your personal risk insurance. This includes evaluating income, debt, family obligations and long-term financial goals.

Policy lapses & inadequate coverage

If your policy lapses due to missed premium payments or other reasons, we’ll help you reinstate your coverage – or find new policies to protect you and your family.

Medical underwriting guidance

If you have a pre-existing health condition or unique medical circumstances, we’ll help you navigate the medical underwriting process – ensuring you secure the right coverage for even the most complex situation.

Tailored premium strategies

We help you balance coverage needs with budget considerations, devising premium payment strategies that maintain comprehensive protection.

Policy reviews & adjustments

We conduct regular policy reviews to ensure your coverage stays in line with your circumstances – making adjustments where needed to ensure you stay adequately protected.

Claims support & advocacy

In the unfortunate event of a claim, we stand by you as your advocate. We guide you through the claims process, ensuring you receive prompt and fair payouts when you need them most.

Personalised simulation tools

Our simulation tools will help you see how insurance can protect your assets in unexpected situations, empowering you to make informed coverage decisions.

For in-person or virtual personal insurance advice, please get in touch.